Create a Action component
Create a Action component
- ...
named attributes passed to
The following properties are provided by this component:
Name | Attribute | Description | Values | Reflects to Attribute |
active | active | When true , the component is highlighted. | boolean | TRUE |
alignment | alignment | Specifies the horizontal alignment of button elements with text content. | "center" | "end" | "start" | TRUE |
appearance | appearance | Specifies the appearance of the component. | "solid" | "transparent" | TRUE |
compact | compact | When true , the side padding of the component is reduced. | boolean | TRUE |
disabled | disabled | When true , interaction is prevented and the component is displayed with lower opacity. | boolean | TRUE |
icon | icon | Specifies an icon to display. | string | TRUE |
iconFlipRtl | icon-flip-rtl | When true , the icon will be flipped when the element direction is right-to-left ("rtl" ). | boolean | TRUE |
indicator | indicator | When true , displays a visual indicator. | boolean | TRUE |
label | label | Specifies the label of the component. If no label is provided, the label inherits what's provided for the text prop. | string | FALSE |
loading | loading | When true , a busy indicator is displayed. | boolean | TRUE |
messageOverrides | NA | Use this property to override individual strings used by the component. | Check API reference | FALSE |
scale | scale | Specifies the size of the component. | "l" | "m" | "s" | TRUE |
text | text | Specifies text that accompanies the icon. | string | FALSE |
textEnabled | text-enabled | Indicates whether the text is displayed. | boolean | TRUE |
The following slots are provided by this component:
Slot | Description |
Default (unnamed) | A slot for adding a calcite-icon . |
tooltip | Deprecated Use the calcite-tooltip component instead. |