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Create a Carousel component





named attributes passed to htmltools::tag()


an object of class calcite_component which is a subclass of shiny.tag



The following properties are provided by this component:

NameAttributeDescriptionValuesReflects to Attribute
arrowTypearrow-typeSpecifies how and if the "previous" and "next" arrows are displayed."edge" | "inline" | "none"TRUE
autoplayautoplayWhen true, the carousel will autoplay and controls will be displayed. When "paused" at time of initialization, the carousel will not autoplay, but controls will be displayed."" | "paused" | booleanTRUE
autoplayDurationautoplay-durationWhen autoplay is true, specifies in milliseconds the length of time to display each Carousel Item.numberTRUE
controlOverlaycontrol-overlaySpecifies if the component's controls are positioned absolutely on top of slotted Carousel Items.booleanTRUE
disableddisabledWhen true, interaction is prevented and the component is displayed with lower opacity.booleanTRUE
labellabelAccessible name for the component.stringFALSE
messageOverridesNAUse this property to override individual strings used by the component.Check API referenceFALSE
selectedItemNAThe component's selected calcite-carousel-item.HTMLCalciteCarouselItemElementFALSE


The following events are observed by shiny:

calciteCarouselChangeFires when the selected calcite-carousel-item changes.
calciteCarouselPauseFires when the carousel autoplay state pauses due to a user hovering over the component or focusing on the component or slotted content
calciteCarouselPlayFires when the carousel autoplay is invoked by the user.
calciteCarouselResumeFires when the carousel autoplay state resumes due to a user no longer hovering over the component or focusing on the component or slotted content
calciteCarouselStopFires when the carousel autoplay state is stopped by a user.


The following slots are provided by this component:

Default (unnamed)A slot for adding calcite-carousel-items.


#> <calcite-carousel></calcite-carousel>