Create a Carousel component
Create a Carousel component
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named attributes passed to
The following properties are provided by this component:
Name | Attribute | Description | Values | Reflects to Attribute |
arrowType | arrow-type | Specifies how and if the "previous" and "next" arrows are displayed. | "edge" | "inline" | "none" | TRUE |
autoplay | autoplay | When true , the carousel will autoplay and controls will be displayed. When "paused" at time of initialization, the carousel will not autoplay, but controls will be displayed. | "" | "paused" | boolean | TRUE |
autoplayDuration | autoplay-duration | When autoplay is true , specifies in milliseconds the length of time to display each Carousel Item. | number | TRUE |
controlOverlay | control-overlay | Specifies if the component's controls are positioned absolutely on top of slotted Carousel Items. | boolean | TRUE |
disabled | disabled | When true , interaction is prevented and the component is displayed with lower opacity. | boolean | TRUE |
label | label | Accessible name for the component. | string | FALSE |
messageOverrides | NA | Use this property to override individual strings used by the component. | Check API reference | FALSE |
selectedItem | NA | The component's selected calcite-carousel-item . | HTMLCalciteCarouselItemElement | FALSE |
The following events are observed by shiny:
Event | Description |
calciteCarouselChange | Fires when the selected calcite-carousel-item changes. |
calciteCarouselPause | Fires when the carousel autoplay state pauses due to a user hovering over the component or focusing on the component or slotted content |
calciteCarouselPlay | Fires when the carousel autoplay is invoked by the user. |
calciteCarouselResume | Fires when the carousel autoplay state resumes due to a user no longer hovering over the component or focusing on the component or slotted content |
calciteCarouselStop | Fires when the carousel autoplay state is stopped by a user. |