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Create a InputNumber component





named attributes passed to htmltools::tag()


an object of class calcite_component which is a subclass of shiny.tag



The following properties are provided by this component:

NameAttributeDescriptionValuesReflects to Attribute
alignmentalignmentSpecifies the text alignment of the component's value."end" | "start"TRUE
autocompleteNASpecifies the type of content to autocomplete, for use in forms. Read the native attribute's documentation on MDN for more info.AutoFillFALSE
clearableclearableWhen true, a clear button is displayed when the component has a value.booleanTRUE
disableddisabledWhen true, interaction is prevented and the component is displayed with lower opacity.booleanTRUE
formformThe id of the form that will be associated with the component. When not set, the component will be associated with its ancestor form element, if any.stringTRUE
groupSeparatorgroup-separatorWhen true, number values are displayed with a group separator corresponding to the language and country format.booleanTRUE
iconiconSpecifies an icon to display.boolean | stringTRUE
iconFlipRtlicon-flip-rtlWhen true, the icon will be flipped when the element direction is right-to-left ("rtl").booleanTRUE
integerintegerWhen true, restricts the component to integer numbers only and disables exponential notation.booleanFALSE
labellabelAccessible name for the component's button or hyperlink.stringFALSE
loadingloadingWhen true, the component is in the loading state and calcite-progress is displayed.booleanTRUE
maxmaxWhen the component resides in a form, specifies the maximum value.numberTRUE
maxLengthmax-lengthWhen the component resides in a form, specifies the maximum length of text for the component's value.numberTRUE
messageOverridesNAUse this property to override individual strings used by the component.Check API referenceFALSE
minminWhen the component resides in a form, specifies the minimum value.numberTRUE
minLengthmin-lengthWhen the component resides in a form, specifies the minimum length of text for the component's value.numberTRUE
namenameSpecifies the name of the component. Required to pass the component's value on form submission.stringTRUE
numberButtonTypenumber-button-typeSpecifies the placement of the buttons."horizontal" | "none" | "vertical"TRUE
numberingSystemnumbering-systemSpecifies the Unicode numeral system used by the component for localization."arab" | "arabext" | "latn"TRUE
placeholderplaceholderSpecifies placeholder text for the component.stringFALSE
prefixTextprefix-textAdds text to the start of the component.stringFALSE
readOnlyread-onlyWhen true, the component's value can be read, but cannot be modified.booleanTRUE
requiredrequiredWhen true and the component resides in a form, the component must have a value in order for the form to submit.booleanTRUE
scalescaleSpecifies the size of the component."l" | "m" | "s"TRUE
statusstatusSpecifies the status of the input field, which determines message and icons."idle" | "invalid" | "valid"TRUE
stepstepSpecifies the granularity that the component's value must adhere to."any" | numberTRUE
suffixTextsuffix-textAdds text to the end of the component.stringFALSE
validationIconvalidation-iconSpecifies the validation icon to display under the component.boolean | stringTRUE
validationMessagevalidation-messageSpecifies the validation message to display under the component.stringFALSE
validityNAThe current validation state of the component.Check API referenceFALSE
valuevalueThe component's value.stringFALSE


The following events are observed by shiny:

calciteInputNumberChangeFires each time a new value is typed and committed.
calciteInputNumberInputFires each time a new value is typed.


The following slots are provided by this component:

actionA slot for positioning a button next to the component.


#> <calcite-input-number></calcite-input-number>