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Create a ListItem component





named attributes passed to htmltools::tag()


an object of class calcite_component which is a subclass of shiny.tag



The following properties are provided by this component:

NameAttributeDescriptionValuesReflects to Attribute
closableclosableWhen true, a close button is added to the component.booleanTRUE
closedclosedWhen true, hides the component.booleanTRUE
descriptiondescriptionA description for the component. Displays below the label text.stringFALSE
disableddisabledWhen true, interaction is prevented and the component is displayed with lower opacity.booleanTRUE
dragDisableddrag-disabledWhen true, the item is not draggable.booleanTRUE
iconEndicon-endSpecifies an icon to display at the end of the component.stringTRUE
iconFlipRtlicon-flip-rtlDisplays the iconStart and/or iconEnd as flipped when the element direction is right-to-left ("rtl")."both" | "end" | "start"TRUE
iconStarticon-startSpecifies an icon to display at the start of the component.stringTRUE
labellabelThe label text of the component. Displays above the description text.stringFALSE
messageOverridesNAUse this property to override individual strings used by the component.Check API referenceFALSE
metadataNAProvides additional metadata to the component. Primary use is for a filter on the parent calcite-list.Check API referenceFALSE
openopenWhen true, the item is open to show child components.booleanTRUE
scalescaleSpecifies the size of the component."l" | "m" | "s"TRUE
selectedselectedWhen true and the parent calcite-list's selectionMode is "single", "single-persist"', or "multiple"`, the component is selected.booleanTRUE
sortHandleOpensort-handle-openWhen true, displays and positions the sort handle.booleanTRUE
unavailableunavailableWhen true, the component's content appears inactive.booleanTRUE
valuevalueThe component's value.anyFALSE


The following events are observed by shiny:

calciteListItemCloseFires when the close button is clicked.
calciteListItemSelectFires when the component is selected.
calciteListItemSortHandleBeforeCloseFires when the sort handle is requested to be closed and before the closing transition begins.
calciteListItemSortHandleBeforeOpenFires when the sort handle is added to the DOM but not rendered, and before the opening transition begins.
calciteListItemSortHandleCloseFires when the sort handle is closed and animation is complete.
calciteListItemSortHandleOpenFires when the sort handle is open and animation is complete.
calciteListItemToggleFires when the open button is clicked.


The following slots are provided by this component:

Default (unnamed)A slot for adding calcite-list, calcite-list-item and calcite-list-item-group elements.
actions-startA slot for adding actionable calcite-action elements before the content of the component.
content-startA slot for adding non-actionable elements before the label and description of the component.
contentA slot for adding non-actionable, centered content in place of the label and description of the component.
content-endA slot for adding non-actionable elements after the label and description of the component.
actions-endA slot for adding actionable calcite-action elements after the content of the component.
content-bottomA slot for adding content below the component's label and description.


#> <calcite-list-item></calcite-list-item>