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Create a RadioButton component





named attributes passed to htmltools::tag()


an object of class calcite_component which is a subclass of shiny.tag



The following properties are provided by this component:

NameAttributeDescriptionValuesReflects to Attribute
checkedcheckedWhen true, the component is checked.booleanTRUE
disableddisabledWhen true, interaction is prevented and the component is displayed with lower opacity.booleanTRUE
formformThe id of the form that will be associated with the component. When not set, the component will be associated with its ancestor form element, if any.stringTRUE
namenameSpecifies the name of the component. Can be inherited from calcite-radio-button-group. Required to pass the component's value on form submission.stringTRUE
requiredrequiredWhen true and the component resides in a form, the component must have a value selected from the calcite-radio-button-group in order for the form to submit.booleanTRUE
scalescaleSpecifies the size of the component inherited from the calcite-radio-button-group."l" | "m" | "s"TRUE
valuevalueThe component's value.anyFALSE


The following events are observed by shiny:

calciteRadioButtonChangeFires only when the radio button is checked. This behavior is identical to the native HTML input element. Since this event does not fire when the radio button is unchecked, it's not recommended to attach a listener for this event directly on the element, but instead either attach it to a node that contains all of the radio buttons in the group or use the calciteRadioButtonGroupChange event if using this with calcite-radio-button-group.


#> <calcite-radio-button></calcite-radio-button>