Create a Select component
Create a Select component
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named attributes passed to
The following properties are provided by this component:
Name | Attribute | Description | Values | Reflects to Attribute |
disabled | disabled | When true , interaction is prevented and the component is displayed with lower opacity. | boolean | TRUE |
form | form | The id of the form that will be associated with the component. When not set, the component will be associated with its ancestor form element, if any. | string | TRUE |
label | label | Accessible name for the component. | string | FALSE |
name | name | Specifies the name of the component. Required to pass the component's value on form submission. | string | TRUE |
required | required | When true and the component resides in a form, the component must have a value in order for the form to submit. | boolean | TRUE |
scale | scale | Specifies the size of the component. | "l" | "m" | "s" | TRUE |
selectedOption | NA | The component's selected option HTMLElement . | HTMLCalciteOptionElement | FALSE |
status | status | Specifies the status of the input field, which determines message and icons. | "idle" | "invalid" | "valid" | TRUE |
validationIcon | validation-icon | Specifies the validation icon to display under the component. | boolean | string | TRUE |
validationMessage | validation-message | Specifies the validation message to display under the component. | string | FALSE |
validity | NA | The current validation state of the component. | Check API reference | FALSE |
value | value | The component's selectedOption value. | string | FALSE |
width | width | Check API reference | "auto" | "full" | "half" | TRUE |