Create a Sheet component
Create a Sheet component
- ...
named attributes passed to
The following properties are provided by this component:
Name | Attribute | Description | Values | Reflects to Attribute |
beforeClose | NA | Passes a function to run before the component closes. | Check API reference | FALSE |
displayMode | display-mode | Specifies the display mode - "float" (content is separated detached), or "overlay" (displays on top of center content). | "float" | "overlay" | TRUE |
escapeDisabled | escape-disabled | When true , disables the default close on escape behavior. | boolean | TRUE |
focusTrapDisabled | focus-trap-disabled | When true , prevents focus trapping. | boolean | TRUE |
height | height | Specifies the height of the component. | "l" | "m" | "s" | TRUE |
heightScale | height-scale | When position is "block-start" or "block-end" , specifies the height of the component. | "l" | "m" | "s" | TRUE |
label | label | Specifies the label of the component. | string | FALSE |
messageOverrides | NA | Use this property to override individual strings used by the component. | Check API reference | FALSE |
open | open | When true , displays and positions the component. | boolean | TRUE |
outsideCloseDisabled | outside-close-disabled | When true , disables the closing of the component when clicked outside. | boolean | TRUE |
position | position | Determines where the component will be positioned. | "block-end" | "block-start" | "inline-end" | "inline-start" | TRUE |
resizable | resizable | When true , the component is resizable. | boolean | TRUE |
width | width | Specifies the width of the component. | "l" | "m" | "s" | TRUE |
widthScale | width-scale | When position is "inline-start" or "inline-end" , specifies the width of the component. | "l" | "m" | "s" | TRUE |
The following events are observed by shiny:
Event | Description |
calciteSheetBeforeClose | Fires when the component is requested to be closed and before the closing transition begins. |
calciteSheetBeforeOpen | Fires when the component is added to the DOM but not rendered, and before the opening transition begins. |
calciteSheetClose | Fires when the component is closed and animation is complete. |
calciteSheetOpen | Fires when the component is open and animation is complete. |