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arcgislayers (development version)

New features

Bug fixes

Breaking changes

arcgislayers 0.3.1

CRAN release: 2024-09-27

Bug fixes

  • page_size resulted in error due to introduction of type-check. Fixed and added test to avoid in the future. #205
  • Add warning if arc_select() results include fewer features than expected from request #220

New features

  • arc_raster() gains an argument raster_fn which takes a character scalar and performs a raster function server side before returning results
  • list_service_raster_fns() is a new helper function to list available raster functions for an ImageServer
  • arc_open() ignores queries included in input URLs and retains any custom queries in the query attribute for Table and FeatureLayers. (#215)

Breaking changes

arcgislayers 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-07-05

  • arc_open() will now work on any resource that works when f=json is set in the query parameters closes #163
  • Now uses {arcpbf} when a layer supports protocol buffers.
    • This is an ~3x speed improvement over json processing.
  • New query_layer_attachments() and download_attachments() help you access and download attachments to a layer
  • arc_raster() now downloads the exported image to a temp file instead of creating a connection to the url returned. This fixes an issue where rasters would stop working after the url had been removed.
  • Add alias argument to arc_read() allowing replacement or labelling of field names with alias values (#169)
  • Add pull_field_aliases() utility function
  • arc_select() now uses arcgisutils::rbind_results() for faster row-binding if collapse, data.table, vctrs are installed (#175)
  • Preserve order of fields column names for arc_select() (fixes minor bug with arc_read handling of col_names) (#185)
  • Set CRS for a FeatureLayer or ImageServer using "wkid" or "wkt" value if "latestWkid" is missing. (#188)
  • Fix issue with arc_select() when layer can’t support pagination. (#191)

arcgislayers 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-27

  • initial CRAN release

arcgislayers 0.1.0

  • arc_open() no longer removes NULL properties h/t @elipousson

  • includes page_size argument to arc_select() allowing users to return smaller page sizes and avoid timeouts for dense geometries

  • Add support for GroupLayers

  • Add arc_read() with support for name_repair argument using vctrs (#108)

  • Add get_layer_estimates() to retrieve estimate info such as the number of features and the extent of the layer

  • Add truncate_layer() to support truncate and append workflow

  • Add support for opening MapServers

  • arc_open() with a layer that does not support Query sets the n attribute toNA

    • Print method will show something like <FeatureLayer <NA features, 10 fields>>
  • arc_select() is now supported for ImageServers #78

  • add_features() is now paginated and performed in parallel. It gains an argument chunk_size which determines the maximum number of rows to be added to a feature service.

  • adds get_layers() which can fetch multiple items from a FeatureServer or MapServer

  • adds cli as an explicit import (has been implicitly imported by httr2)

  • repository made public

  • add lifecycle badges to all exported functions

  • Breaking:

    • token arguments are required to be a valid httr2_token object (strings are not supported).
    • all host arguments are removed. Instead, the host is fetched from the token.
    • all user arguments are removed. Instead, the username is fetched from the token. If it is not found, an error is thrown.