Building bridges between
the R and ArcGIS ecosystems

The R-ArcGIS Bridge enables ArcGIS users to enrich their workflows by accessing thousands of open-source data science and statistical packages in R. It also helps R users extend their analyses by accessing the authoritative datasets, mapping and visualization capabilities, and advanced spatial analytics of ArcGIS.

Use ArcGIS Location Services

The arcgis meta-package for location services brings ArcGIS to data scientists, analysts, and developers where they work. At its core, arcgis is a collection of R packages designed to interact with ArcGIS Location Services all from the comfort of R and your development environment of choice.

ArcGIS Location Services are provided as REST API endpoints. arcgis enables seamless interaction with these services using R native objects.

Interact with ArcGIS Pro

{arcgisbinding}, the first package created for the R-ArcGIS Bridge, is designed to bind the powers of R and ArcGIS Pro. Using {arcgisbinding} you can read and write local data sources, take advantage of ArcGIS Pro’s projection engine, or create geoprocessing script tools that use R.

Get started by installing {arcgisbinding}.

Our Packages


Move data between R and ArcGIS Pro. Build R-driven geoprocessing tools.


Location services metapackage. Your one stop shop for all your location services needs!


Read and write to Feature Services and much more with ArcGIS Location Services.


Powers {arcgis} by providing functionality for authorization and converting between R objects and Esri JSON.


Process FeatureCollection protocol buffers in R using the power of Rust!