Get started

The R-ArcGIS Bridge supports working with both ArcGIS Pro as well as ArcGIS location services.

Using ArcGIS location services

The R-ArcGIS Bridge R packages that interact with location services are contained in the metapackage {arcgis}. It contains:

  • {arcgisutils}: manages authorization for all location service R packages and other utilities
  • {arcgislayers}: provides read and write access to layers on ArcGIS Online, Enterprise, and Platform
  • {arcgisgeocode}: geocode addresses and reverse geocode point data
  • {arcgisplaces}: access rich point-of-interest data from the ArcGIS Places Service

Install the R packages

To install the packages run:


Once the installation has finished you can load all of the packages using


Or, you can install the packages individually as well by running:

pkgs <- c("arcgisutils", "arcgislayers", "arcgisgeocode", "arcgisplaces")


Learn more

  • Reading Data
  • Publishing
  • Geocoding
  • Places services (POI data)

Get started with {arcgisbinding} for ArcGIS Pro

The package {arcgisbinding} enables the use of geoprocessing script tools within ArcGIS Pro. It can even be used to deploy R-based geoprocessing tools on ArcGIS Enterprise.

See the instruction for further details.

Learn more

  • Installing {arcgisbinding}
  • Creating geoprocessing tools